Arrow Employment Services

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Mixing church and business, hmmmm

Some of you may wonder: "Why is this guy mixing church and business?" The simple explanation is "we care". But from a strictly business point of view, it also makes sense. We provide a caring community for the people who find work through Arrow.  Because they have people who care for them, they will be less likely to succumb to homesickness, or get into trouble by hanging out with the wrong people. Your helper will be happier, adjust more quickly and have the resources of a loving community to help her as she learns her new job. A happy well adjusted helper is more likely to have a happy satisfied employer.  The life principles we learn at church also help us become better people during the week. Well, that's my theory anyway. What do you think?

Our church's Filipino Fellowship went to Repulse Bay for a baptism. There was a 3000 meter safety swim going on at the time. The goal was to promote health and water safety. The organizers, however, hired these old junks to put their VIPs on. The junks filled the bay with acrid smoke, making our eyes sting, and even a little difficult to breath.

Our baptism went well. Three ladies were baptized: Cristina Cauilan, Lark Modesto, and Corazon Marbebe. We had a great time playing in the ocean (the water was wonderful - clean and cool), and the beach wasn't crowded. Here are some pictures.