Arrow Employment Services

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Fantastic Employers!

I often tell new customers "we don't claim to have the best helpers in all of Hong Kong, because there are so many fine ladies working here. However, we are absolutely sure that we have the BEST EMPLOYERS in all of Hong Kong."

In the last month, my confidence was again validated by two of our Arrow customers. Both of these customers have Arrow ladies working for them. Within a couple weeks of each other, both of the helpers lost their husbands.

In the first case, the employer was planning on releasing her helper, because the family's situation had changed and they no longer need a helper. The employer told her helper 2 months ahead of time and asked Arrow to please find a good employer for her helper. We did! When the helper's husband suddenly died, the employer told the helper "Don't worry, we'll keep you working for us until you return from the Philippines, so you won't have any problem changing to the new employer."  The helper went home, buried her husband, returned to Hong Kong, and has reported to her new employer. The new employer was equally gracious saying "Take all the time you need to deal with your affairs in the Philippines. We'll wait."

Another helper's husband passed away this week, and her employer called Arrow to see if we would check on her. He said "My home is open to you. I welcome you to go to my home to visit her." So we sent our church pastor to visit  and pray with her. The employer has personally paid for and purchased a round trip ticket for her to go home and deal with the situation.  We took her to the Philippine Consulate to get her paperwork for leaving Hong Kong, and she'll leave this weekend.

These employers are truly humane, being and acting as humans were meant to be and act.  This should be the norm for all of us. I'm grateful for these employers, and I hope I can follow their kind and gracious example. I am proud to be connected to such fantastic people. May God richly bless them!