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FREE Cantonese Classes for Foreign Domestic Helpers 免費廣東話班

Good news to employer and foreign domestic helpers!!

An Organisation Cheer holds F

Good news to employer and foreign domestic helpers!!

An Organisation Cheer holds FREE Cantonese Classes for foreign domestic helpers. Any domestic helpers who can understand and speak English can register for the class. Register now!! 
基督教機構Cheer舉辦免費廣東話班, 導師將會用英語教授廣東話。有興趣的僱主請盡快為你的家庭外籍女傭(不拘國籍,懂得聽英文便OK)報名。名額有限,先到先得!!

Any domestic helpers who can understand and speak English can register for the class. Register now!! 
基督教機構Cheer舉辦免費廣東話班, 導師將會用英語教授廣東話。有興趣的僱主請盡快為你的家庭外籍女傭(不拘國籍,懂得聽英文便OK)報名。名額有限,先到先得!!