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認知障礙的小冊子 "Caring for Elderly with Dementia-Guide to Foreign Domestic Helper"

葵涌醫院印製了一千本支援家中有老人家患認知障礙的小冊子: 《照顧者手冊》, 教外傭照顧認知障礙症患者。

手冊內的每 一個章節,都是由包括精神科醫生、護士、職業治療師、物理治療師和心理學家等 專業人士編寫。手冊以英語、中文及印尼文三種語言撰寫,英文及印尼文為菲律賓 和印尼外傭的主要語言,而中文版本則方便僱主及其他本地照顧者閱讀。手冊裡所 分享的意見和提議均可讓照顧者了解如何能有效地幫助、處理及照顧有獨特行為問 題的長者,也備有各種解壓方法,以舒緩照顧者的常見壓力。 

本市民可致電熱線 2959 8523 免費索取;同時亦可透過葵涌醫院老齡精神科網站下載:


Kwai Chung Hospital has printed a booklet entitled "Caregiver Handbook" for families with elderly people who are at home. They teach outsiders to take care of patients with cognitive impairment.

Every chapter in the manual is written by professionals, including psychiatrists, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and psychologists. The brochure is written in English, Chinese and Indonesian. The English and Indonesian languages are the main languages of Filipino and Indonesian foreigners, while the Chinese version facilitates the reading of employers and other local caregivers. The views and proposals in the manual will give the caregiver an understanding of how to effectively help, handle and care for elderly people with unique behavioral problems, as well as a variety of decompression methods to relieve the common pressure of caregivers.  

Members of the public can call the hotline 2959 8523 for free at the same time. They can also be downloaded from the psychiatric website of Kwai Chung Hospital:
Caring for Elderly with Dementia Guide to Foreign Domestic Helper