Abigail Caayon


Age: 31  YOB: 1992
Family: Married,  Children: 2 (12,10)
Height: 4'9 Weight: 67

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: newborn, children

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Abegail Caayon is a 31 y.o. married mother of 2 kids: 12, 10 y.o. She has 3 sisters and 1 brother. She is 4/5 siblings.

March 15, 2022 - Feb 2024: She worked in Oman for a couple with 5 kids: 22, 20, 14, 12, 8 y.o. Her duties included cooking, cleaning, laundry, ironing, and caring for the younger children. She started at 6 a.m. and worked til 10 p.m. She prepared breakfast for the family every day, and after the kids went to school she did her household cleaning, laundry etc. She cooked again in the afternoon for the evening meal. She had a one hour rest period every day. She finished her contract and was the only helper.

2018 - 2021: She worked in Saudi for a couple with 7 kids: 22, 21, 15, 9 y.o. twins, 5 y.o. & 1 month old baby boy. Her responsibilities included childcare, housework, laundry, ironing, cooking and caring for the newborn baby. She was the only helper for this family. She prepared breakfast for the kids, got them off to school, and took care of the 5 year old. The madam took the newborn to the office with her for a few hours during the day, and afterwards Abegail took care of the infant. She finished her contract.

Medical: pending

Location: Cagayan de Oro

Passport: 2028 Aug

Reference: Pascual

Newborn Care Experience: yes

Elder Care: own grandparents

Pets: at home

Vaccination:  3 times