Cindy Angeles


Age: 35  YOB: 1988
Family: Married,  Children: 0
Height: 155 Weight: 59 kg

Education: 1-2 years of university
Experience: Middle East , Hong Kong

Suitable for:childcare

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Cindy Angeles is a 35 y.o. married woman with no kids. She has 1 younger brother only.

She completed 2 year degree in Business Management and speaks English well.

Sep 2020 - March 12, 2024: She worked in Pokfulam Hong Kong for a couple with a 13 y.o. boy. Her duties included doing the housework, laundry, ironing, marketing, and cooking. The child was independent. She had to terminate her contract to settle a family situation in the Philippines.

2017-2019: She worked in Dubai for a couple with 3 kids: 16, 13, 10 y.o. Her duties included housework, laundry, ironing, and cooking. A driver took the kids to school, but Cindy prepared breakfast and helped get them off to school. She had a co-worker who focused on cleaning, while Cindy focused on running the kitchen and helping the kids. She finished her contract.

Medical: pending

Location: Laguna

Passport: 2031 July

Reference: She is Arrow alumni

Newborn Care Experience: no

Elder Care: no

Pets: dog at home

Vaccination: 3 doses