Coney Eder


Age: 41  YOB: 1982
Family: Single Children:
Height: 5'1 Weight: 54kg

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Singapore, Hong Kong

Suitable for: newborn, children, eldercare

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Coney Eder is a 41 y.o. single woman with no kids. She has 3 brothers and 1 sister. She is the eldest in the family.

She is a high school graduate and speaks English well. She can understand some basic Cantonese for marketing and cooking.

Dec 2010 - Dec 2023: She worked in HK (Shatin) & Singapore for a working couple with twin boys (newborn to 12 y.o.) Her duties included newborn care, housework, laundry, ironing, marketing, and cooking. As the boys got older she took them to school and activities. The family moved to Singapore . She went to Singapore with the family for 1 year (Nov 2022 - Dec 2023) to serve them and help them settle in.

July 2009 - Nov 1, 2010: She worked in HK (Homantin, Taiwai) for a couple with 2 older kids (studying overseas). Her duties focused on housework, laundry, ironing, and car washing. She cleaned a 3 storey house. She didn't reach their high standards so they terminated her.

Dec 2004 - June 2009: She worked in Singapore for a couple with 2 kids: 7, 9 y.o. and Mahma (84 y.o.) Her duties included cooking, housework, laundry, ironing, helping the kids get ready and off to school. She cared for grandmother the whole day. She assisted her to bathe and  helped her when she went walking. She worked straight with no home leave, so she ended the 2nd contract early to go home and see her family.

Medical: pending

Location: Mindanao, Cotabato

Passport: 2028

Reference: friend

Newborn Care Experience: yes

Elder Care: yes

Pets: in Philippines

Vaccination: 3 doses