⭐ Cristine Joy Hechanova


Family: 34, married, 1 child
Education: high school graduate
Work Experience: first timer
Medical: FTW
Suitable for: newborn, childcare

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Cristine Joy is a 34 y.o. married mother of a 5 y.o. daughter. Her husband and her family will care for her child while she works abroad. She has 4 brothers and 1 sisters. She is 5/6 siblings.

She is a high school graduate and speaks English well.

Cristine is a full time mother and housewife. Most of her experience comes from caring for her own home and family.

Feb 2014 - March 2016: She worked as a domestic helper in Mindanao Philippines for a working couple with a 6 y.o. girl. She took care of the child, get her fed, ready and off to school. She also cleaned the house, did the laundry, marketing and cooking. She was the only  helper and finished her contract.

Location: Bulacan

Newborn Care Experience: own child

Pets: dog at home

Vaccination: fully vaccinated, 2 doses