Gigie Dagpin


Age: 29  YOB: 1994
Family: Married  Children: 2kids 8yrs old & 3yrs old
Height: 153cm Weight: 57kg

Education: 1-2 years of university
Experience: Hong Kong

Suitable for: elder care, children,

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Gigie Dagpin is a 29 y.o. married mother of 2 kids: 8, 3 years old. Her husband and his mother will care for the children while she works overseas. She has 5 brothers and 4 sisters. She is 10/10 siblings.

She completed 2 years of university level and speaks English well.

May 30, 2022 - Dec 17, 2023: She worked in Hong Kong (Causeway Bay, N. Point) for a couple with 2 adult children, and Kung kung.  She took care of Kung Kung and she changed his diaper, fed him, and assisted the nurse. He was bedridden and could not move on his own. He passed away in Dec 2022. Her other duties included housework, laundry, car wash, ironing, marketing, and cooking. She also took care of 2 small dogs. She asked her madam if she could have a vacation, but the madam responded that she should resign and take a home leave, because they had 3 other helpers and only 3 people at home. One of the sons went to Australia, and since the grandfather passed away they didn't need extra helpers. The family had a total of 4 helpers.

2018-2020: She worked in Manila for a couple with 2 kids: 16, 8 y.o. Her duties included childcare, housework, laundry, ironing, marketing, and cooking. She finished her contract.

Medical: pending

Location: Mindanao

Passport: 2030

Reference: HelperChoice

Newborn Care Experience: own child

Elder Care: Hong Kong

Pets: ok

Vaccination: 3 doses