Gina Sernadilla


Age: 42  YOB: 1981
Family: Single Children: none
Height: 5" Weight: 48

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Hong Kong

Suitable for: childcare, Chinese cooking

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Gina Sernadilla is a 42 y.o. single woman with no kids. She has 2 brothers and 2 sisters. She is 3/5 siblings.

She is a high school graduate and speaks English well.

2012-2021: She worked in Hong Kong (N.T.) for a local couple with a 6 y.o. boy. Her duties included childcare, housework, laundry, ironing, marketing, and cooking. When the pandemic hit she decided to go back to the Philippines. The Consulate advised her to renew the contract and wait until normal travel resumed. She worked until the flights resumed and she could go home to the Philippines. Her employer agreed to this.

Before going to HK she was babysitter in the Philippines.

Medical: pending

Location: Pangasinan

Passport: 2028 Jan

Reference: friend intro'd me

Newborn Care Experience: her nephew 2010-2012

Elder Care: no

Pets: no

Vaccination: 2 doses