Jeana Bawig


Age: 33  YOB: 1990
Family: Single Parent Children:  11 &13 years old
Height: 5" Weight: 45

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: children

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Jeana Bawig is a 33 y.o. single parent of 2 kids: 11, 13 y.o. Her mother lives with her and takes care of her children. She has 1 sister and 2 brothers. She is 3/4 siblings.

She is a high school graduate and speaks English well. She is talkative :-)

April 14, 2016 - July 5, 2023: She worked in Qatar for a couple with 2 kids: 5, 7 y.o. Her duties included getting the children ready for and off to school. She dropped them at school every day. After the children went to school, she did the housework, laundry, and ironing. The employer had an Indian helper who did the cooking. She prepared breakfast for the family and snacks for the kids after school. She finished all of her contracts.

Before going to Qatar she worked as a maid in the Philippines.

Medical: pending

Location: Apayao, CAR

Passport: 2030

Reference: Internet Search

Newborn Care Experience: in the Philippines, confident

Elder Care: no

Pets: ok, has pets at home

Vaccination: 2 doses