Jessica Tijing


Age: 34  YOB: 1990
Family: Single Parent Children: 1-(7yrs.old)
Height: 4'11" Weight: 52kg

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: childcare, eldercare,

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Jessica Tijing is a 34 y.o. single parent of a 7 y.o. girl. Her mother cares for her daughter when she is working abroad. She is 4/8 siblings.

She is a high school graduate and speaks English well, good communication.

Jan 2019 -Nov 2023:  She worked in Saudi Arabia for a couple with no kids. Her duties included housework, laundry, ironing, marketing, and cooking. The husband had a 2nd wife and 2 kids: 3, 1 y.o. His children came over once a week and when they were there Jessica would care for them. During holidays they would go to the province for 2 weeks to 2 months (Ramadan). This was the family home with many kids, siblings, grandparents, etc. Normally there were more than 20 people. Jessica did a lot of extra cleaning and childcare. She also did some caring for the grandmother. One of the kids was only 1 month old, and another 1 year old. She taught herself cooking from Youtube. She finished 2 contracts for this couple.

Medical: pending

Location: Iloilo

Passport: 2033

Reference: sister

Newborn Care Experience: yes

Elder Care: yes

Pets: dogs

Vaccination: 3 doses