⭐ Jomarie Mangantulao


Family: 25, single, no kids
Education: university graduate
Work Experience: first timer
Medical: FTW
Suitable for: children, eldercare, petcare

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Jomarie is a 24 y.o. single woman with no kids. She has 3 brothers and 3 sisters. She is 5/7 siblings.

She is a university graduate with a BS psychology. She speaks English well.

Dec 2020 - present: She is currently working as a secretary at a security agency.

In 2016 she took care of her newborn nephew. Her sister was working in Manila so Jomarie helped care for the newborn. She fed the baby, changed it, bathed him, etc.

2020: She helped take care of the mother of her boyfriend for 5 months. She was bedridden  from cancer. She passed away in 2020. She helped bathe her, changed her diapers, clothes, fed her, and gave medication.

Location: Isabela

Newborn Care Experience: yes

Elder Care: yes

Pets: ok, at home

Vaccination: fully vaccinated, 2 doses