Mae Emberso


Age: 37  YOB: 1987
Family: Married Children: 2 sons ,age 18 and 12
Height: 154 Weight: 55

Education: 1-2 years of university
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: childcare, newborn care,

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Mae Emberso is a 37 y.o. married mother of 2 sons: 18, 12 years old. Her husband takes care of the boys when she is overseas working. She has one brother and one sister. She is the eldest in the family.

She completed 2 trimesters of university studies and speaks English well.

April 14, 2020 - June 2022: She worked in the Philippines as a domestic helper for a working couple with a newborn baby boy. She did newborn care, childcare, and some housework,  marketing, and cooking. She finished her contract.

2015- 2020: She was a full time housewife and mother.

Nov 2010 - Nov 2014: She worked in Qatar for a single mother with 3 kids: 14, 16, 18 y.o. Her duties focused on housework, laundry, ironing, and cooking for the family. She helped the kids get off to school and also washed the car. She finished 2 contracts and was the sole helper.

Her 90 y.o. grandmother lives with her. She is in general good health, but needs assistance walking.

Medical: pending

Location: Tacloban City

Passport: 2033

Reference: sister in law

Newborn Care Experience: yes

Elder Care: own grandmother

Pets: at home

Vaccination: 3 doses