⭐Maribel Arcoseba


Age: 31  YOB: 1992
Family: Married,Children: 4
Height: 4.11 Weight: 42

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: eldercare, newborn care

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Maribel Arcoseba is a 31 y.o. married mother of 4 kids: 11b, 9b, 8g, 4b. Her mother-in-law will care for the children while she is in Hong Kong. She has 3 brothers and 6 sisters. She is 6/10 siblings.

She is a high school graduate and speaks English well.

Aug 2020 - Feb 21, 2023: She worked in Saudi for a family of 4 adults: a couple, their adult daughter, and the grandmother. Maribel did the housework, laundry, ironing, cooking, and cared for grandmother who suffered from a mild stroke.  She helped her take her medicine daily, fed her, changed diapers, helped her bathe, etc. She was bound to a wheelchair and needed frequent assistance. Maribel was the solo helper and finished her contract.

Nov 2018 - March 2019: Before going to Saudi she worked in Manila as a babysitter for a couple with a newborn baby. They had another helper who did all the housework, and Maribel was the full time nanny. She finished a 6 month contract.

Medical: fit to work

Location: Manila

Passport: 2030 Dec

Reference: Relative

Newborn Care Experience: yes

Elder Care: yes

Pets: no
