Shane Mae Rael


Age: 29  YOB:  1994
Family: Single Children: None
Height: 5 flat Weight: 43

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: newborn, children

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Shane Mae Rael is a 29 y.o. single woman with no kids. She has 4 sisters and 8 brothers. She is 11/13 kids.

She is a high school graduate and speaks English well.

Oct 2023 - present: She is working as a nanny for her cousin. She is caring for a newborn baby girl. The parents have a business so Shane is the main caregiver for this newborn child (4 months old now). She feeds her, changes her, bathes her, and cares for her all day. She is stay in full time nanny.

Jan 2019 - June 2022: She worked in Saudi for a couple with 2 kids at home: 18, 26 y.o. Her duties included housekeeping, laundry, ironing, and cooking. She cared also for their cat. She was the only helper and finished her contract.

Medical: pending

Location: Mindanao

Passport: 2028

Reference: friend

Newborn Care Experience: yes,

Elder Care: no

Pets: cat in Saudi

Vaccination: 2 doses