⭐Vanessa Valiente


Family: 35, married, 3 kids
Education: high school graduate
Work Experience: first timer
Medical: FTW
Suitable for: newborn, children

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Vanessa is a 35 y.o. married mother of 3 kids: 9, 5, 1 y.o. Her husband and mother will care for the children while Vanessa works abroad. She is 1/5 siblings.

She is a high school graduate and speaks English well.

2006 - 2008: Before she was married she worked as a house helper in the Philippines for a working couple with 2 kids: newborn baby, 4 y.o. Her duties included infant care, childcare, housework, laundry, ironing, and cooking. She finished her contract.

Location: Batangas City

Newborn Care Experience: yes

Elder Care: her grandmother

Pets: dogs

Vaccination: fully vaccinated, 3 doses