Arrow Employment Services

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外籍家傭離港回菲律賓放假前,請確保她已申請 海外就業證書(OEC)


1 網上申請,詳情可登入:

Get your Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) or Exemption Online



2 親身前往菲律賓領事館申請。 她應攜帶: 護照連有效土作簽証、海外工人福利協會(OWWA)會籍、機票、僱主証明信、費用HK$20。(適用於放假後,回港為新僱主工作之菲傭)



3. 雙方簽署一封信,若外傭不依時回港,將被視為自動離職。

Sample of Agreement between Name of Employer and Name of Employee for  if Employee will not come back after the Holidays.

Dear  Name of Employee,

You will have holidays from date of departure from HK to date of arrival to HK.  

If you do not come back and report for duty on date of arrival to HK after the Holidays, by mutual agreement, we both agree that this failure to return on time means that you are breaking the contract without notice and willingly forego any compensation that might be due to you under the contract.

I also will consider the contract terminated and will not seek any compensation from you in respect to the contract no. ___________. In addition, I will report to the Hong Kong Immigration Department that our contract is terminated and that you will not be returning to work for me.  


Signature of Employer                                             

(Name of Employer)                                                  

(Date of signing the letter)                                           


Signature of Employee

 (Name of Employee)

(Date of signing the letter)